This way of losing weight, like dieting, is considered quite difficult. There is a will to completely give up solid food, even if for 7 days and switch entirely to liquid, low-calorie food. But the results can be satisfying - this diet consumes 1. 5 kg per day.
In the diet, the weight loss effect is achieved by significantly reducing the consumption of high calorie foods, as well as fast absorption and rapid excretion from the body. The founders of the diet argued that the nutrients contained in liquid foods were sufficient for the entire body, but in reality, the diet was essentially a lighter version offast.
In addition to its slimming effects, those on the diet guarantee complete detox and cleansing, in particular, these processes that explain the need for a 30-day course of the diet. abstinence like that.
Pros and Cons of the Diet
Diet is one of the best weight loss methods. It's also known as the lazy diet (due to inactivity) or the model diet.
Main Purpose of the Diet:
- reduces the gastrointestinal load;
- normalizes the work of internal organs;
- lose weight.
Some experts say this method of weight loss is quite harsh, because when you do it, you will have to completely give up solid food.
Like any method of weight loss, drinking alcohol has pros and cons.
- Indicators
- - "light" capacity from 7 to 18 kg;
- reduces gastric volume;
- cleans the body.
- side effects of
- ;
- strictly adheres to the menu;
- the development of anorexia with the wrong way to get rid of the diet.
Side effects include anemia, bleeding problems, gastritis, worsened skin, and decreased immunity.
Although it is easy to adhere to the drinking regime, not everyone is allowed to diet.
Should stop the diet:
- people with diseases of the digestive tract (ulcers, gastritis, colitis, etc. ) and inflammatory diseases of other organs (kidney, liver);
- children and the elderly;
- pregnant and lactating women;
- diabetics (any type);
- suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system and hypertension;
- those with a marked tendency to edema.
Rules and Tips

Healthy and simple diet, but don't forget its negative effects.
Although digestion is improved, but diet can cause nutrient deficiencies.
To avoid health problems you should follow these tips:
- Don't overdo your diet. It is not recommended to use it more than once a year. This is enough to detox and lose weight. Otherwise, the body may be affected.
- Don't forget about the side effects. Weight loss techniques on water carry a load on a number of organs and the entire body. Before you start to lose weight actively, you need to have a health check. You should only begin to lose weight after getting professional approval. Symptoms may occur during the diet, when you need to pause the procedure and go to hospital. In such cases, you can look for a different diet.
- People with chronic illnesses as well as pregnant women are prohibited from using the diet. Abandoned the idea of dieting for gastrointestinal problems. Other illnesses can also become a ban, so be sure to see your clinic before you lose weight.
Diet Tips:Remove solid foods from the menu for the first week, as this can harm the digestive system. Start this period with water or porridge. Limit exercise while on a diet because your body still doesn't have enough energy. You can return to an active lifestyle after you finish the diet.
Product approved
You can lose 10-12 kg by dieting for 10 days. In this case, the menu must not include purified water without gas. Dietary nutrition is possible and necessary.
List of approved products:

- Low-fat dairy products and yogurts (milk, natural yoghurt, kefir, yogurt, yogurt);
- Milk soup;
- Buckwheat and oat porridge (consistency);
- Low fat broth (chicken, fish, turkey);
- Vegetable and borscht soup (pureed);
- Vegetable and fruit juices;
- Ingredients, jelly, herbal teas (no sugar);
- Cocktail of vegetables and fruits;
- Unsweetened coffee and tea. The volume of one serving is 1 cup.
You must eat at least 3 times a day.
List of banned foods from drinking alcohol:
- Carbonated beverages;
- Packing juice;
- Alcohol;
- Fatty broth.
Prohibited products
- Alcohol kills your body and promotes overeating, but does not stimulate weight loss.
- Packaged fruit juices - the high sugar content in them doesn't allow us to talk about their usefulness.
- Carbonated sugary drinks, coffee, and fatty dairy products are not healthy foods.
- Sweets - cakes, sweets.
- Fatty soups and broths and fatty, high-calorie foods in general.
Testimonials from people who have been fasting even 7 days show that it is necessary to prepare well before switching to such a diet, as it will be difficult for the body to consume water instead of food.
Preparation for a diet that included the fact that a week before it was necessary to completely give up salty and smoked dishes, sauces, mayonnaise, semi-finished products, ketchup.
3 days before moving on to a hard work 7 days, you just need to eat vegetables, fruits, cereals (preferably oatmeal or buckwheat porridge), unsweetened drinks and drink at least 2 literswater every day.
It is advisable to reduce the serving size to a minimum in order for the stomach to get used to a small amount of food. Green tea without sugar the day before the conversion takes precedence.
How to not get lost
How not to give up the diet is a difficult question. It has strict restrictions and is marketed as a healthy fast food. The risk of losing in such a tough fight is very high. The right decision will be the daily dynamics combined with a metallic will. It is important to be mentally satisfied with the results. Its performance is a matter of time.
You cannot expect everything at once. The effectiveness of a rigorous diet depends on a large number of the body's individual physiological factors, including the basal metabolic rate. Consistent detox, normalization of the digestive tract and improved metabolism pay off. The main thing is to adhere to a diet to maintain the harmony of the silhouette.
Weekly menu

Approximate seven-day diet provided in daily dosage, any diet divided into 5 meals:
- Day 1:vegetable broth (200 g), fresh fruit juice, yogurt, coffee.
- Day 2:broth (200 g), fresh vegetable juice, tea, yogurt.
- Day 3:pureed vegetables (200 g), yogurt, vegetable smoothie, coffee.
- Day 4:low fat fish broth (200 g), fresh vegetable juice, kefir, tea.
- Day 5:vegetable broth (200 g), yogurt, smoothie, juice, tea.
- Day 6:low-fat broth (200 g), freshly squeezed juices, kefir, coffee, fruit.
- Day 7:vegetable soup (200 g), mashed potatoes, monosodium glutamate, tea.
Diet for one month
This is followed by people who have previously sat a lot of fluids for a week or two and have gotten used to such a diet. Experts recommend curbing hunger with the help of thick vegetable soups with fish and meat, and be sure to adhere to the diet - at least 2 liters of regular water per day and daily food intake should not be exceeded. more than 1400 - 1500 kcal.
Drinking a monthly diet helps to significantly reduce body weight and improve body health. Helps clean kidney and gallbladder, normalize digestive tract, spleen, liver tissue, myocardium and respiratory system. Feelings of sluggishness, lethargy, and lethargy have gradually been replaced by lightness and increased efficiency.
Eliminate the diet
Exiting from the diet plays an absolutely essential role in fasting, because it has to pass gently to avoid harmful consequences for the body, as this is the "regeneration" of theit. Especially if you're on a 14 to 30 day diet and the risk of exhaustion is imminent.
A creature that has forgotten solid food will take twice as long to get used to it. So if you've been on a diet for 30 days, then productivity is 2 months.
- Introduce the liquid breakfast cereal at week 1, gradually increasing the dosage.
- Still having dinner on the second week, but for breakfast you can make an egg, a small cheese sandwich.
- 3rd week - breakfast cereal, but fruit and veg are available for dinner.
- week 4 - meat already! Fish, beef, and chicken are initially small in quantity.
- Week 5 is when you start eating normally, just once a week, create a vegetarian day. For the next unlimited time, remember to eliminate excessive consumption of sweets and salt, flour and fat. And most importantly, drink plenty of water.
How many kilograms can you lose
The end result depends on a number of reasons:
- for how long do you stay on this diet;
- what and how much do you drink;
- what was your weight before starting to lose weight;
- how much physical activity during the day.
On average, women lose 1. 5 kg per day. If you continue the course for 3-4 weeks, then with this form you can lose up to 15-20 kg. But the results are proportional to their starting weight: the fuller a person begins to lose weight, the thinner he is.
How much weight can you lose in a week
Weekly results also depend on starting stats. Usually, the most overwhelming minus point is observed during the first week of the diet. Can reach 5-6 kg in 7 days! Over the next days, the weight loss is slower, this is due to the body's restructuring and metabolism to adapt to the new diet.
Duration has no effect on health
If you are concerned about your health and do not want to take risks, this does not mean that the diet is completely contraindicated for you. You don't have to strictly follow the rules for a month or a week.
Short time abstaining from solid foods is not harmful to your health, you can try for 2-3 days. Trust me, this is enough to feel lighter and get rid of 2-3 kg of ballast.
Since the body is significantly restricted in nutrition, vitamins and nutritional supplements are required throughout the diet. If not, this marathon will end with a severe vitamin deficiency and problems related to it.