How fast and easy you can lose 5 kg in 5 days, the most effective ways

Experienced weight loss experts are constantly saying that losing weight is a slow process.lose weight 5 kg per weekBut there are situations where after a few days you need to re-wear your favorite dress or go on vacation, the question is how to lose weight in 5 days. You may not lose any significant weight during this period, but you can lose a few truly excess pounds. We will have to work hard to follow all known rules and recommendations so that results will not be long before.

Single diet

The bottom line is simple: the focus of any single diet is that a certain product needs to be consumed for a few days.feed with rice for weight loss every 5 kgObviously it is impossible to lose weight by eating your favorite rolls, sausages or chips every day. So for such a system, diet and healthy products are chosen: buckwheat, rice, cucumber, kefir, apples, citrus fruits, carrots. In order to make the diet more tolerable, it is allowed to "dilute" it with other low-calorie foods.

So in the buckwheat diet you need to eat buckwheat. Furthermore, diet porridge should not be boiled but should be steamed with boiling water, preferably without adding salt. How to lose 5 kg in 5 days, stick to a single diet, if limiting yourself is quite difficult? Out of the "excess" you can allow water with lemon, green tea and unsweetened coffee, vegetable juice, a grapefruit, and a glass of kefir 40-50 minutes before bed. Similar rules must be followed in the rice diet. For best results, take unpolished rice. Eating this way, you can lose more than 1 kg per day.

Many people who lose weight admit that the single diet is really effective. Yes, it is very difficult for an unprepared person to endure days on one product. First, the body does not receive the required amount of substances. Second, the psychological factor plays an important role: it is difficult to go directly from food diversity to an ascetic diet. Losing weight in this way can lead to irritability, fatigue, and loss of performance. Therefore, it is not necessary to continue breastfeeding for more than 5 days.

lose weight in a week

Fast 7-day fast diet

The longest and most effective ketogenic diet plan. In a state of carbohydrate starvation, cells begin to rapidly consume the accumulated fat, so the diet consists of 90% protein food.

Sample fast diet like this for one week:


  • boiled eggs;
  • salt-free chicken broth;
  • boiled fish, green vegetables.


  • kefir;
  • green apple (2 pieces);
  • a handful of almonds.


  • stewed zucchini, boiled eggs;
  • boiled turkey;
  • kefir.


  • kefir all day.


  • curd;
  • grilled fish;
  • avocado.


  • kefir all day.

Separate meals

Feed system is designed for several days, every day you have to eat certain types of food. Such a 5-day weight loss diet for 5 kgs is given the name "rustic" by many people (eat 5), but it has a single principle: it is necessary to strictly follow the order of the application. matter.

  • Meat (protein) day. The supply of animal protein to the body is essential, contributing to more effective weight loss. Choose diet meats: chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal.
  • Vegetables. Choose any vegetable: zucchini, cucumber, carrot, tomato, radish, cabbage. Fresh food, salad, grilled, steamed. To improve the taste, you can use herbs, a small amount of olive oil and lemon juice.
  • Fruit. You can eat any type of fruit other than bananas. Eat them fresh, processed salads, baked in the oven. On this day, it is allowed to eat one teaspoon of honey.
  • Cereals. Allowed to eat porridge on the water, as well as a small amount of nuts. The body is especially active in cleaning out toxins and preparing for the final day of the diet.
  • Curd. Choose low-fat or low-fat cottage cheese. curd days for weight loss in a weekOn the last day of the diet, the most impressive plumb lines were observed.

This diet is more varied than the previous description, so it's much easier to tolerate. For best results, it's best to avoid salt entirely in the diet. Lose weight from 0. 8 to 1. 5 kg per day. The end result is highly dependent on initial weight and pre-diet nutritional characteristics. For example, people with a body mass index above 18% are more likely to lose more than 5 kg.

The secret to rapid weight loss

In order to lose that excess weight quickly without harming your body, you must comply with the following conditions:

  • Stick to liquid food. A bias for the day should be taken with cucumber, spinach or celery smoothie. Breakfast and dinner should be high in protein. To do this, they eat white meat, or an egg, or fish.
  • There must be at least 12 hours between your last meal and your morning breakfast. It is during this time that fat burning takes place actively, bringing about the effects that people have long expected.

Get enough sleep. Getting adequate sleep helps to produce melatonin, which is responsible for maintaining circadian rhythms and helping with extra weight loss.

  • You should increase your physical activity these days. This will help you burn fat faster.
  • There should be enough fiber in your diet for these 5 days. To do this, you should eat mainly plant foods. In winter, plant foods can be measured with dry fiber. It is mixed into salads, cheese.
  • Would be good if the chosen diet included a day of fasting with mineral water or skim milk. This will help you stay in shape and prevent the return of lost pounds.


You can often find information that the diet is designed for a month. But doctors are sure that sitting for that long on any diet is dangerous to health.Weight loss diet for the week includes the presence of fruitAnd not everyone can completely eat liquid food in 30 days. Hence, in practice, shorter versions of the diet are used: 14, 7 and 5 days. Since the most active weight loss occurs exactly during the first period of time, in 5 days, you can easily lose 4-5 kg. So what to drink:

  • Water is the backbone of any food system.
  • Vegetable, fish, chicken or beef broth. They are prepared individually without adding salt. Also, don't add chili and onion to whet your appetite.
  • Fermented milk drinks with a fat content of no more than 2%: kefir, fermented baked milk, additive-free classic yogurt, homemade fruit and milk cocktails. Milk is less absorbed by the body than fermented dairy products, so you shouldn't rely on it.
  • Black, green, fruit and herbal teas without sugar. Choose a high quality incubation product.
  • Ingredients and jelly, cooked with berries and fruit, without added sugar. To make the diet easier to tolerate, you can prepare jelly with oatmeal.
  • Fruit and vegetable juices. Choose homemade juices over canned foods with preservatives. By the way, some extreme people, to lose 5 kilograms urgently, they arrange a diet purely with juice. However, it does guarantee a lot of weight loss and is much more difficult to tolerate. If you want to select this option, make sure you are not allergic.
Vegetable salad for weight loss in a week

Fasting once

For five days in a row you will be asked to use only one product, you may at first combine two or three products.

Just remember that for another week after such unloading, it is better not to eat flour, fatty and salty foods. If not, all the pounds will hit you in the first two days.

Unloading Apple

The apple is truly a versatile product. There are no useful recipes to it. To make apples ripe quickly, choose those that are ripe but not overripe. The fruit is not very sweet. Choose locally sourced apples, as apples bring from a distance are waxed to give the skin shine and color.

  • It is recommended to consume at least one and a half kilograms of apples per day. The main thing is no more.
  • Meals should be 3-4 times a day. You can eat apples for the last time a few hours before going to bed.
  • eat apples to fast
  • You should add to your diet, in addition to apples, another 100 grams of protein: boiled chicken, low-fat cheese, fish or eggs. This will keep you from harming your body.

Try improvising: baking fruit in oven, cooking in double boiler, crushing. You will have to limit carbonated beverages, as well as regular cups of coffee in the morning and tea at noon. Water is your best friend.

Fasting cucumbers

If it's summer and you're a little frustrated by your looks then this sort of handling is just what you need. Not only will you notice the disappearance of extra pounds but also improve overall health due to the renewal of the water-salt balance.

  • Divide your meal by the number of sacred years. Make a chopped cucumber salad, season with herbs and flaxseed oil. You can eat a hard-boiled egg twice a day.
  • This option is a bit easier. The main dish is cucumber salad, but with a sour cream sauce. For lunch, you can buy a slice of black bread. Divide your meals evenly into three times, with your first meal at 12pm. A green apple is allowed in the evening.

Limiting curd

Curd is an immutable ingredient for someone who has begun a healthy lifestyle. It contains minimum calories and maximum protein. How to "tighten" belly with cheese in 5 days?

lose weight with fresh cheese
  • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner must be all cheese. You should not consume more than 1 kg of this product per day. Try breaking up 200 grams of meals every three hours. This will give you meals 5 times a day.
  • Combines low-fat cheese and wheat bran. Divide your day into 4 times with 100 grams of cheese. Soak two teaspoons of bran in boiled water, then drain. You can sweeten the portion with a little honey.
  • Kefir and small cheese are also perfectly combined. Meals 5 times a day. Each meal should include 130 grams of cheese and one glass of kefir.


Onion Soup: This is a very simple recipe, only onions and herbs.

The idea is that green vegetables carry negative calories.

The body devotes more energy to breaking down these elements than it does by itself. You can eat as much as you want.

Combines the soup with a slice of rye bread or bran. So 5 kg is guaranteed to disappear in 5 days.

Fat burning soup

You will need: white cabbage, 6 onions, a few tomatoes, a few green peppers, a bunch of celery and parsley. Mince all vegetables, boil for 10 minutes. It is no longer possible, as useful trace elements will be lost. If you like, you can add a bouillon cube there.

Since the soup tastes quite original, it's better to create your own menu:

  • First day: soup, brown rice and dessert fruit: berries, apples, pears.
  • Day two:stewed or boiled vegetables and soups. Limit salt and spices.
  • Day three:soup, fresh vegetables, fruit.
  • Fourth day:soup, greens, baked fruit.
  • Day 5:Soup, lean meat, fresh tomatoes.
Vegetable soups burn fat

To detox your body, you can organize yourself such a diet once a month. It is important to remember that such a diet completely excludes the use of alcoholic beverages, white bread, sweets and soda.

Buckwheat mono nutrition

Buckwheat's popularity in weight loss is hard to surpass. Within five days, you need to cook the porridge in a special way. Pour one cup of buckwheat overnight with two cups of boiled water.

Should use buckwheat porridge without any sauce or seasoning.

You can also drink about a liter of kefir or green tea per day. Fruits are allowed.

Calorie counter

To lose weight, you must consume fewer calories than you burn. If you dream of losing weight fast, you definitely have to lose a lot of calories. In this case, you will have to eat no more than 400-500 kcal per day. Try to get this number by using "right" foods. For example, the caloric content in 100 g of french fries is more than 500 kcal. And for the same amount of steamed chicken breast, there's a little more than 100 kcal.

Cucumber is suitable for losing weight in a week

The calorie content of each ready-made meal and product can be viewed on the packaging or on the Internet. But keep in mind that the calorie content of 100 grams of product is usually indicated, so you'll have to equip yourself with a kitchen scale and a calculator. Here is a sample menu for the day, allowing you to maintain a certain amount of calories:

  • : a small slice of whole-grain bread, 70-80 g of low-fat cheese with herbs, a cup of black coffee without sugar;
  • Lunch
  • : 100 g chicken fillet, a side dish with half a bell pepper and half a fresh cucumber;
  • Snack options: kiwi, medium green apple or a pinch of almonds
  • Dinner
  • : fat-free kefir.

Recommended and harmful products: general listing

Here are some helpful products:

  • lean meats, fish;
  • non-starchy vegetables, fruits and berries;
  • dairy products;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat;
  • eggs;
  • olive oil;
  • products from whole grain flour.

Banned including:

  • fatty meat products;
  • high content baked goodsslimming products are prohibitedglucose, gluten;
  • palm, butter;
  • semi-finished products and canned foods;
  • confectionery products;
  • bacon, pickles.

It is important to adhere to the correct methods of preparing meals according to the correct regime - baking, boiling, steaming.

Recommended food for the 5-day diet


Nowadays, fasting is becoming more and more popular. Furthermore, they starve not only to lose weight, but also improve their health. Fasting means completely rejecting food, you can only drink clean water. Should use enema on the first day. If you feel tired but don't want to stop the process, drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of honey.

In 5 "hungry" days, you will lose about 4-7 kg. This method of weight loss should only be chosen if you have at least a few days to prepare your body - the phase of switching to lighter foods. There is also a dry fasting regime in which not only food is eliminated, but also the whole country. But this option is only available to trained people.

How to properly prepare a diet?

Before any dietary changes begin, a preparation phase is required. Strongly restricted diets often lead to mental stress and physical breakdown.

waist loss during weight loss in a week

A preparation phase is required before implementing any of the diets.

The type of preparation depends on the type of nutrient restriction expected:

  • when supposed to completely eliminate common ingredients, you need to get your body to this smoothly;
  • the introduction of new products related to allergy tests;
  • When any type of restriction applies, a preliminary cleaning of the gastrointestinal tract is required.

The main point of preparatory activities is to choose the optimal type of diet, taking into account individual characteristics and preferences.

How to speed up weight loss?

The lower the original weight, the harder it will be to pour. These techniques, combined with your chosen diet, will help you reach your goal.

Exercise for weight loss for a week
  1. If you have played sports before, don't stop exercising. If all the physical activity is only about hiking, then a strict diet is not the best time to start a 'sports career'. But you should be able to afford daily exercise and hiking for at least 2 hours.
  2. Daily package. Apply anti-cellulite cream to the problem areas (thighs, buttocks, abdomen), wrap with duct tape, and wear warm clothing. Spend 1 to 1. 5 hours like this, during which you can work out with a hula hoop or walk on a treadmill.
  3. Take a slimming bath every night. You can add sea salt, citrus oil, and linden broth to warm water. To keep your skin firm and shiny after a significant weight loss, use an exfoliating product several times a week.

Quick weight loss: all pros and cons

Almost every representative of fair sex has come across a situation at least once in her life when she needs to lose weight as soon as possible. And the question that arises before our eyes: how to lose weight quickly at home?

Within the limited time frame, the total will depend entirely on the diet. Adjusting daily routines and increasing physical activity simply won't have the time to work in such a short amount of time.

When wondering how to lose 10 kg quickly, you need to choose a diet that best suits you. Furthermore, its effectiveness is not only in reducing the number of kilograms without harming the body, but also maintaining the results.

Effectiveness can be achieved using three methods:

  1. uses a single diet;
  2. drastically reduces calories from food;
  3. corrects general metabolism.

It is wrong to assume that a meager, meager diet is the key to early weight loss success. After all, 5 days is a pretty long time on a restricted diet, which increases the chances of spoiling it.

Active weight loss in the early days risks slowing down as the brain can turn on stress mode for the body and impose a taboo on the consumption of stored energy. This can lead to failure in weight loss, and in addition to that, poor health is associated with weakness.

Great results for losing weight in one week

Therefore, even if you are motivated enough to lose weight quickly, try to assess both your willpower and the risk to your body.

The popular fast-loss diet is a good motivator for even more weight loss, but keep in mind that all extreme diets promote a quick return of lost weight. In this regard, it is very important that, after leaving such a diet, in order to control the future diet, switch to a balanced diet.


In order not to become enemies of the body in the pursuit of beauty, all contraindications must be noted.

People with stomach ulcers, diabetes, gastritis, and pancreatitis cannot afford the

"Flash Diet". Diseases of the heart and blood vessels are also a hindrance to rapid weight loss. It is also worth thinking about how to lose 5 kg in 5 days for those who need a complete and balanced diet for health reasons. These are pregnant and lactating women, as well as people recovering from illness.

If you are constantly in a depressed state, then it is better to refuse strict diets.

It's important to know

Any fast diet is stressful for the body, especially if you haven't been on a diet based on strict restrictions before. After returning to a regular diet, the body tries to compensate for the loss resulting in rapid weight gain. If you want results not to last a week but much longer, consider getting rid of the diet smoothly.

Long-term rigid electrical system compliance can lead to serious problems. Therefore, such diets should only be used in exceptional circumstances, for example, when preparation for an important event is required, until there are only a few days left. Finally, remember to listen to your body. If during this process you see a significant deterioration of your health, it is better to stop the diet.

Is it possible to lose weight in 5 days

The 5-day diet allows women and men to lose weight at home, but they require preliminary preparation and reinforcement of the body afterwards. Before unloading, you need to start eating a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, limiting the consumption of fast carbohydrates (stocking sweets), the foundation of the diet should be protein food, as well as healthy fats andcomplex carbohydrates.

You can lose weight in a week while simultaneously limiting carbohydrates and fats

To lose weight, start drinking more fluids - about 40-45 ml per kilogram of body weight, this helps to get rid of toxins, dead fat cells: this way you prepare forthe body works extremely effectively. Eat a healthy diet after your diet. During this period, the body will begin to store nutrients. Excess calories can lead to weight gain and are difficult to lose in the future.